My blackberry woke me up this morning. I forgot to put it on a silent mode. At 630 am, I got a call from Mystery Man. I was half asleep and half awake. He told me that he is in London right now.
I had mix emotions. I was excited and at the same time I wanted to go back to sleep. He was telling me that his projects went smoothly. We spoke for 15 minutes. I asked him when he is coming back to New York. He said that he will back in New York this October... sleep over in his apartment... Pratesi Sheets.
He knows that I lost 8 pounds from my diet... no carbs and no sweet.
He said, "You want to lose more weight? Let's hike together."
I replied back, "Are you kidding me? I have to be fit to do those type of activities. And besides, my right foot is suffering from tendonitis."
He started laughing so hard.
Every time I think of him, he manages to call... PERFECT TIMING.
How I wish my friends can meet him? Not now, but may be in the near future.
I am giving him the time and the space.
Okay. Now, I have to start my Sunday morning routine.

Sounds like October is the month! miss you Peej, loooove the blog! xxxx