Yesterday, I celebrated Easter with my friends. I have not seen them in the longest time. We had lunch at Peking Duck House... talk about duck skin.
Then, we went to the Standard Hotel. We had so much fun. I was trying to forget about mystery man. I met so many men at the outdoor space of the hotel. True enough, all of them came from Berlin. They were so nice and HOT!!!
Do you think it was a blitz kierg moment?
After a couple of beers, Brice called me. He said he wanted to go out for dinner. Where did I go?
Minetta Tavern. I miss him and he always cheers me up. Not to mention, he is also a stud.
I saw my favorite shoe designer in the restaurant... Pierre Hardy. I did not have the courage to say hi to him because he was having dinner. I respect people's space.
That's it.

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