Last night, my good friend Tina Maristela Ocampo of Celestina cooked dinner for me and her children. Every time they are here, I make it to a point to see them at their nice Gramercy apartment. Not only did I fall in love with the two of them, but also with their children.
Tina has an amazing line called CELESTINA. I have been an avid supporter, since they first started the company. With all modesty, CELESTINA clutches are the only ones I really use... It's the truth.
When I used to work for a magazine, my creative director loves to challenge me. He thinks I know everybody, but I don't. I am just very friendly with everyone. I am always up for a challenge. It made my job interesting. What's my secret weapon besides my personality? I LOVE TO RESEARCH. I found out that the designer behind the CELESTINA empire is none other than Tina Maristela Ocampo. I was so happy to tell my creative director about the good news. He just smiled at me and said, "Good job." Then, he gave the information to Couture Lab owner Carmen.
After dinner, I took pictures of their RESORT 2010 collection. I just want to have everything in the collection. They never forget to get their inspiration from our mother land, The Philippines.
I would like to thank Rico and Tina for promoting our heritage and culture through the exquisite designs of CELESTINA.

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