4 years ago, I was not happy with my dermatologist. I was having a little problem with my skin. My friends were there to support me. It was not a severe case of acne, but when you work in the fashion industry... your face is your business card.
Vicky Kagia, a close friend, talked to me. She said Ayurveda changed her life. Only one word came out of her mouth... Pratima. I was nervous in the beginning. Hey! If it helped my friend, why can't this treatment help me?
Not everyone knows Ayurveda. This is what I've gathered from my extensive research... ABC's of this magnificent healing process. Ayurveda is made up of two Sanskrit words: Ayu, which means LIFE and Veda, which means the KNOWLEDGE OF. To make it simple for everyone, AYURVEDA IS THE KNOWLEDGE OF LIFE. Ayu is comprised of four essential parts: mind, body, senses, and soul. It is considered to be oldest science of healing. Can you imagine? Ayurveda has been in existence since 1500 BC. WOW! I DIE!
Ayurvedic medicine is holistic. It is based on the intrinsic law of nature that states that the whole person is made up of many interdependent parts. When one part of the body is malfunctioning, it disrupts all other parts.
From this research, I believe that true beauty is an expression of wellness.
PRATIMA is the only spa I go in New York. Whenever I travel, I always bring all her products. She does not use any chemicals. All the ingredients are ORGANIC...so ORGANIC.
Here's the deal! What keeps me young? PRATIMA!!!
Treatments: Micro peel treatment, and Ayurveda facial
Facialist: ONLY JAMILE

P: 212-581-8136
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