For the last two entries, I had to talk about Haute Couture... my cup of tea.
Now, let's go back to my story.
The last time I saw mystery man was at Shake Shack on Madison Square Park. I did not want to believe that I'd see him again. My mother always told me to trust my instincts. Usually, my instincts serve me right.
Once again, I was down in TRIBECA to meet a friend. One of my favorite past times while waiting, eating a whole bag of HARIBO Gummy Bears....CAVITIES GALORE.
I had a hard time finding a deli that sells gummy bears.
AHA! There is one on HUDSON street... close to NOBU next door. I walked a couple of blocks to head to the DELI. I was on a mission.
I was already shaking. I wanted my sugar so badly. As usual, the line was long.
I grabbed the last pack of Gummy Bears. I opened the pack. I started munching while waiting on line. As I was about to pay, someone went in front of me.
I got so pissed.
He turned to me, "I got it Gipetto. See! I got you five more bags."
I was in shocked, "Hi!!!"
Guess what's he was wearing again?
White T-shirt, thick parka from Moncler, Silver sneakers.
Mystery Man showed up from nowhere. He asked me what I am going to do for the rest of the day. I told him that I am waiting for a friend in Tribeca.
He asked me, "Did you eat? If not, let's go eat. My treat!!! Choose any restaurant you like as long as it's not CHANTERELLE."
I told him, "Do not worry! I could not even read the hand written menu at Chanterelle."
I can be naughty at times.
So I said, "Why don't you make lunch for me? Can you cook?"
He smiled and said, "Well! If that's what you want? Sure! I can make something."
Mystery man lives a couple of blocks from NOBU.
I won't be descriptive about his apartment. As I said, I will keep him as a mystery. All I can say, he has exquisite taste with furniture. Julian Schnabel, Miro, Picasso were some of the art works hanging on his apartment walls. Not to mention, he has a plexiglass exposed tub. Chic!
He told me that he can make 2 courses: salad and pasta.
After 30 minutes, the food was ready. He did a good job.
All the ingredients he used were organic.
Now, he feels comfortable with me. We started laughing and giggling the whole time. I got him out of his comfort zone.
One thing in particular about him, he loves to stare. In my mind, I want to kiss him.
I was holding back. Why? I was not sure.
After lunch, I moved my meeting to 6pm. I was having a blast with him.
I sat on his white couch. We resumed our conversation.
He said, "Gipetto, can you please get that garbage."
I said to myself, "Okay!!! It's the least thing I can do."
He jokingly said, "My present to you. Open it."
Of course, I snarled at him.
It was a big burlap bag. I thought there was a body inside.
He did a good job in hiding the present.
Then, I felt a hard box.
I got so excited. Maybe? Shoes.
I unwrapped the box. True enough.
He found these limited edition PIERRE HARDY shoes.
I do not know where he got these shoes, but I was so happy.
Being a size 7 in men's shoes is hard to find in NYC.
I turned white.
He said, "Well!!! Do you like it?"
Of course I said yes.
I gave him a hug and we looked at each other.
Then, we started kissing.
To tell you the truth. He is a good kisser. A connection has made between the Cambodian Princess (Gipetto) and her European counterpart (MYSTERY MAN).
I love Barbara Reeder. She is stellar.
Next Post: More of Reeder's Prophecies

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